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O- Litter

Born: 5.2.2023

( Kahdensiskon Just A Top Scorer- Kahdensiskon Kristal Beauty) 5+1


Born : 4.11.2022

( Kahdensiskon Keen On Glory- Zelini´s Storm in A Teacup) 6+3

M- Litter

Born: 29.8.2021
( Daenerys Last Of The Starks x Kahdensiskon Ini Mini Miny Mo) 2+1

L- litter

Born: 13.8.2021
( Ocean Pitfal Wow Vilken Kille x Kahdensiskon Illusions And Dreams) 4+1

K- litter

Born: 6.12.2019
(Ocean Pitfal Orang-A-Tang x Kahdensiskon Ini Mini Miny Mo) 3+3

J- litter 

Born : 27.8.2018
(Melverly Top Scorer x Kahdensiskon First Class Beauty) 4+4

I- litter

Born: 30.11.2017
(Springdust´s About-Rhythm x Kahdensiskon Dimestore Diamond ) 3 + 7


Born: 17.2.2017

(Nostradamus Hebanowa Sfora x Kahdensiskon Caramel Kisses) 6+3

G- litter

Born: 28.3.2016

(Astrospring´s Phoenix x Kahdensiskon Captured Beauty) 3+6

F- litter

Born: 8.9.2015
(Finnlidens His Majesty x Kahdensiskon Caramel Kisses) 4+3

E- litter

Born: 17.5.2015
(Lordsett No Mercy For Bimbik´s x Kahdensiskon Adore Me ) 2+2

D- litter

born: 18.4.2014
(Linmoor Zimply Zalient x Kahdensiskon Adore Me) 3+ 5

C- litter

born: 23.3.2013
(Mompesson Escourt x Kahdensiskon Adore Me) 5 + 5


born : 13.3.2012

(Zelini´s Premier League- Wildomar´s Dig Dub`N´Deny) 4 + 4


A- litter

born: 30.11.2010

(Adamant´s Press Stop- Wildomar´s Dig Dub `N`Deny) 4 + 3