FI, EE, LV, RU CH,EE, LV, LT, BALT Vet CH,HEVW-12,FIVW-12WILDOMAR´S ALPEN ROSE "Wilma"( Bogaloo´s Nostradamus - Windsongs Caterpillar ) 28.11.2003- 25.10.2017 Fin10941/04Hips: A-A Eyes: Clear (2012) Elbows: 1-0 Owner: Johanna and Katariina Isola
9 years and 9 months Merits: -Finnish , Estonian, Latvian and Russian Champion and Estonian , Latvian, Lithuanian and Baltic Veteran Champion - 5 x BOB, BIG-2, 5 x CC, 3 x Res CC, 40 x BOB-veteran, 3 x BIS-1 veteran, 2 x BIS-2 veteran, 2x BIS- 3 veteran,BIS-4 veteran, 2 x BOS veteran - was competing in Large 2- class in agility - Has won two 1st prizes in blood tracking test so is eligeble to compete in winners class - Has passed the spaniel working test 9 years fall 2012
Bis veteran at Hyvinkää group show 16.9.2012 8 years
Wilma was a really layed back and nice tempered springer.She liked to take things easy but was known to get really into running and playing with her buddy Diva. Wilma´s favourite things in life were her family and food.She also enjoyed running in the woods and smelling deer tracks when she was younger. Until her last days she accompanied us to daily walks in woods and she enjoyed walking there in her own pace. She matured very late and got her first CC and was BOB at age 2,5! We mostly concentrated in agility with her but she was seen in show rings occasionally. She started her second show career in veteran classes and did very well. Couple of Veteran winner titles and 40 BOB veteran wins. A late bloomer :) Wilma will be deeply missed <3
Wilma likes to pose for pictures:)