C.I.B, C.I.E, FI CH, EE CH, LV CH , LT CH,BALT CH, BY CH, EE JCH , LT JCHKahdensiskon Ini Mini Miny Mo "Indi"(Springdust´s About-Rhythm x Kahdensiskon Dimestore Diamond) liver-white bitch born: 30.11.2017 hips: A/A eyes: ppm iris-iris ( minor) 2/19 PRA Cord 1 clear AMS clear Fuco clear Has full Dna- profile tested and she is clear of all tested disorders owner: kennel Kahdensiskon merits: 8 x CC, 4 x Cacib (By, Lv, Fi, Lt) 2 x BOS, 7 x BOB puppy, BIS 1 puppy, 1 x BIG 1 puppy, BIG 2 puppy, 1 x BOS puppy, passed spaniel hunting ability test SPA 1 MH- tested ( mental behaviourial test) 17 months Dam to our K- litter 20 months 1 year 6,5 months BIG 2 at Helsinki puppy show 27.5.2018 BIS 1 puppy at Springer Main Specialty 16.6.2018 judge Caroline Bowles-Robinson 15 weeks 9 weeks 6 weeks |